Ventilation, heating and refrigeration equipment installation and maintenance

We will make sure that air at your home or office will be fresh, clean and cool at summer and your home or office wil bee warm and cozy at the cool winter months.

About us

The team of SIA “Venticom” consists of specialists in their field, who are competent in the nuances of ventilation, heating and conditioning systems, are orientated in the latest solutions and are always helpful in solving any technical problems. Our driving force is the needs and interests of our customers; therefore, we actively follow the news and current developments in the market trends in order to be able to offer not only the most modern, but also the most suitable solutions for the specific needs of each customer.

We have been operating in the field of ventilation, air conditioning, heating and refrigeration systems since 2008 and are one of the first companies to specialise in the maintenance of these engineering technical systems. We not only sell equipment for improving air quality, but also devote special attention to its maintenance and repair. 

Over time we have created an excellent material and technical base, as well as developed the skills and knowledge of our employees in the management of large objects. 

Currently, in addition to the installation, maintenance and repair of air conditioning, heating and ventilation systems, we also offer cleaning services of ventilation system air ducts, as well as refrigeration and cold display cabinets for retail premises.

Our goal is to provide full service installation, maintenance and repair of air quality systems, so that you can focus on the development of your business or enjoy improved quality of life.



We provide consultations on the purchase process, as well as the installation and regular maintenance of air quality systems of various manufacturers. We help customers choose the most suitable solutions for their requirements and possibilities. We carry out the installation according to the manufacturer’s instructions in order to maintain the quality and effectiveness of the equipment. 

Our consultants and technical experts are helpful and competent, thus providing you with the maximum quality service.

Conditioning systems

Consultations on the choice of air conditioning equipment. Delivery, installation and maintenance during the operation of the selected equipment, as well as repair services.

Kondicionēšanas sistēmas
Ventilācijas sistēmas

Ventilation systems and air duct cleaning

Selection, installation and maintenance of the most suitable ventilation systems, depending on the size of the premises and customer requirements.

Ventilation air duct cleaning.

Degreasing of industrial steam extraction systems.

Heating systems

Apkures sistēmu izvēle, uzstādīšana un apkope. Regulāras un ārkārtas sistēmu profilaktiskās apskates. Remonts garantijas laikā un pēc tā.

Operatīvs apkures sistēmu serviss.

Apkures sistēmas

Heat pumps

Piemērotākā siltumsūkņa un tā sistēmas piemeklēšana, uzstādīšana un uzturēšana gan privātām, gan komercplatībām.

Siltumsūkņu remonts un apkope.

Refrigeration equipment

We supply refrigeration display cases and equipment for shops and cafes.

We perform preventive maintenance and repair of refrigeration equipment.

Saldēšanas iekārtas

Need our services?

Apply for the service and we will contact you to find the best solution.


Apply for the service

Apply for the service and we will contact you to find the best solution.

Piesakies Venticom jaunumu saņemšanai!

Piesakoties jaunumu saņemšanai, saņemsi jaunumus gaisa kvalitātes sistēmu jomā, kā arī profesionāļu ieteikumus iekārtu lietošanā!